Naailah Karen Ashiq
I left the education system when I attained my BA Hons Silversmithing and Jewelry Degree in 1995. From there I went into the real world to work in Boots the Chemist and then onto British Airways as cabin crew until I retrained as a teacher in 2011.
I came to Wesgreen since we had been visiting the UAE since I had worked at BA in 1997, we had seen the area develop and thought it would be a good place to raise our family. I became a Secondary Art teacher in the girl’s school and have been part of the teaching family since 2015. The Art team gets involved with a lot of the schools' based annual events, from the SBLF, STEAM and Productions to Sports Day and Literature week. Last year we started to support the older students with WISART events too which had started to involve all the students from Grades 5-13, this year was a great success and will hopefully pave the way to future events that promote the students' art-based passions and skills.
I enjoy my job as an Art teacher, the students are wonderful and keen to learn. We have some wonderful artists and it is such an honour to work with them and see them develop into independent learners who own their learning and plan for exciting futures. I continue to develop my art and craft-based skills by creating wearable jewelry ranges and embroidered textile-based items in my free time.