Course Outline

Term 1

History: Ancient Greece

  • Explore when Ancient Greece was formed.
  • Compare the structure of society.
  • Explain why the Battle of Marathon happened.
  • Compare the Olympics of Ancient Greece to modern Olympics.
  • Consider the influence of Ancient Greece on other civilisations.

Geography: Human and physical Geography of UAE

  • The physical terrain of the UAE
  • Life in the past Vs Life now
  • Food imports
  • Sharjah in the future

Term 2

History: Mayan Civilisation

  • Explain who the Maya were and when and where they lived.
  • Understand how the Maya number system works.
  • Identify and use a range of sources.
  • Explain and use the Maya writing system.
  • Describe the range of foods eaten by the Maya people.

Geography: Coasts and Coastal Settlements

  • Coastal features
  • The movement of the ocean
  • Waves at work
  • Beaches
  • Types of coastal settlements

Term 3

History: A history of Transport

  • Explain why the invention of the wheel was so important.
  • Discover what methods of transport were common before the wheel.
  • Explore how transport and trade are linked.
  • Explain the impact of technology on transport.
  • Examine how developments in transport have changed people’s lives.

Geography: Climate Zones

  • Climate zones
  • Habitats in different climate zones
  • Animals in different habitats
  • Animals in the UAE

Moral Education

Term 1

  • Compassion and empathy

Awareness and expression of own needs, views and feelings, considering alternative points of view

  • Growing up and well being

Self-worth, being brave and staying safe (physically and emotionally)

- Community awareness of difficult things like bullying and social media

- Support in the community

Term 2

  • Trade, travel and community influence on culture

- The influence of trade, travel and communication on culture

  • Peace and responsibility

- What is meant by peace? What is responsibility?

Term 3

  • Helping and making a difference

- Self-worth; helping and making a difference (how others help and how you learn) building trust and respect

- Community awareness; making positive contribution (active participation and supporting others)

  • Trade, travel and community influence on culture

- Emirate culture


The final grade for the course will be calculated based on multiple forms of assessments, both formal and informal, these will be used to gain knowledge about a student’s level of understanding.  Assessments will be in the form of End of Unit Evaluations, End of Unit Project and Formal Assessment. 

All formal test dates will be posted on the communicator.

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