Course Outline
Term 1
Week 1 -4
Extended Narratives (stories with flashbacks/fantastical beings)
Week 5 -9
Non–Chronological report
Week 10-12
Poetry (description)
Week 13-14
Poetry- (Narrative techniques)
Week 15
Revise and Review
Term 2
Week 1-3
Persuasive – Adverts
Week 4-8
Plays – Film narrative
Week 9-11
Recount – Diaries (biographies)
Week 12
Revise and Review
Term 3
Week 1-4
Advertising/Persuasion (Brochure)
Week 5-7
Week 8
Revision Week
- Treasure House - Spelling Skills Pupil Book 6
- Treasure House - Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Pupil Book 6
- Treasure House - Composition Skills Pupil Book 6
- Treasure House - Comprehension Skills Pupil Book 6
- Sherlock Holmes: The Norwood Mystery - Oxford Dominoes
- An Elephant in the Garden - Michael Morpurgo
English Language Assessments:
The final grade for the course will be calculated based on:
Class work- 30%
Spelling/Dictation- 5%
Assessments- 15%
Exam/Evaluation- 50%
Multiple forms of assessments, both formal and informal, will be used to gain knowledge about a student’s level of understanding. Assessments will be in the form of assignments, projects, quizzes (announced or unannounced), observations, group work, homework, class work, participation, tests and exams. All formal test dates will be posted on the communicator.